Hello, thank you. My question is that I think I may be having pericarditis. I have had a sharp pain OM the left side, beneath my breast. It s not unbearable (like say kidney stone or child birth) but a strong hurting stabbing. It is also difficult for me to breathe deeply and easily. I have consulted Dr. Google and that is where I came to realize that the pain is pericarditis. Apparently it is known, although I have never heard of it. Once forty years ago I had what my doctor named intercostal neuralgia apparently from being run down, etc. I was given a big dose for vitamin B-12 something for the discomfort and after a week the stabbing pain went away. Eight years ago my then doctor noticed a highly elevated sed rate (?) from a blood test; I had fainted unusually for me while at work. The doctor very cleverly put me on prednisone and cured the sed rate situation. I am going on a long trip in two weeks. And, while I m functioning (though not firing on all cylinders due to the pain and the worry of it) I am concerned that this might not be something I should ignore, hoping it would eventually disappear. (That s what Google states!) I will call my dr office tomorrow; should I call her? Am I being dramatic and needlessly fearful? What information, diagnoses, treatment would be relevant? (I have been taking Advil, but only once a day, and I also took two Exedrin. )Thank you,Jarmila Polte