Concerned for 75 year old mother. Had flu like symptoms for 2 weeks, 2nd week included diareah. Went to doctor had ct scan of abdomen ....divraticulitis. Was diagnosis started 2 antibiotics. Took her to ER day later exhausted and short of breath.They ran blood and creatine 1. something, but also dehydrated. Went home. Had blood work two days later her creatnine jumped to 3. something. They admitted her imediately, hydration, antibiotics. Creatine jumped to 4.6. Given antibiotics and fluids in Iv call something like bullrush? anyways she came home 4 days later. Her levels were all heading to normal range, she is diabetic and her blood sugar running 145. I have her home but feet legs and calves swelling, exhaustion barely out of bed, not eating (half popsicle, half small yougurt and 10 bites of cereal. I am very concerned for her exhausted and sleeping. She goes tomorrow for follow up blood draw. Anything I should be on the lookout for.....