I had a baby 2 months ago and was in labor for 30 hours. Due to that, the right side of my heart became enlarged. I went back to the heart doctor for a limited echo and everything came back fine. My heart had gone almost all the way back down, blood flow was great, etc. I have been having sharp pains in my chest in both sides. Never together, just one at a time. Also a bee sting sort of feeling in the very center right between my breasts. I have shortness of breath and chest tightness along with the pains sometimes. I assumed that it might be due to overuse of my albuterol medication for asthma because the pains would get worse after using it. So I went to my lung doctor for a precentative so I wouldn t need to use my albuterol as much. This was 2 weeks ago and the pains are still there. They were quite a bit better for awhile but they just came back yesterday and they were extremely painful today. I m not sure if I should go back to the heart dr for further testing, or the lung dr since he never actually checked my lungs for anything. I never had this before having a baby, so I m wondering if it s muscle spasms from the heart enlargement I had and my hormones still going down from pregnancy and all of the stress on my heart and body from labor. Any suggestions on what to do? Does it sound like anything specific?