Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern, and would explain that your symptoms may be related to a metabolic disorder or a vitamin or electrolytes deficiency ( based on your medical history for
celiac disease).
I recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, a chest x ray and some blood lab tests:
complete blood count (for chronic anemia)
- kidney and liver function tests
- ferritin and hemosiderine plasma levels
- blood electrolytes
- vitamine B12 plasma levels
- thyroid hormone levels (an immunological disorder could lead to
thyroid dysfunction and celiac disease as well).
A head up tilt test may be needed to exclude a possible
orthostatic hypotension.
Meanwhile I would advise you to avoid straining physical activity and take plenty of fluids (water, juices), to avoid
Hope to have been of help!
Best regards,
Dr. Iliri