i have developed a wheezing chest and shortness of breath also a pain in the top section of my stomache, i have an open leg ulcer that will not heal up ive been in hospital for both vviens removal 3yrs ago and i stopped smoking because i could not get my breath and was in an oxygen tent in hospital about 6yrs ago and was told my airways where 7% Blocked , i have been taken brufen 600 and think this is causing some of my problems , i am 70yrs of age and living abroad , the weather has turned very cold in greece and im having mild panick attacks at night especially when i lie down in bed untill i regulate my breathing as i have learnt to do over a period of time the minute i try to do anything i get realy breathless, and find going from room to room even brings this on maybes diff temps i would like to change my medication and need an off the shelf tablet ,look fwd to your reply yours faithfully l morley