Hi there. I recently have had a history of poor sleep, marked by frequent nighttime awakenings with shortness of breath, sometimes mild sometimes more marked. Also, I find that I urinate 2-3 times per night. The poor sleep has been ongoing for many years (frequent nighttime awakenings and early AM wakening), but the nighttime shortness of breath began this year. IO had tow at home sleep apnea tests which ruled out Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but noted some possible Central apneas. Then, yesterday, I had a CBC, Metabolic panel and Cardiac specific CRP test - I am very concerned, as my cholesterol levels came back as: Total: 193, HDL: 53, Triglycerides: 133, LDL 113, VLDL 27, but the CRP, Cardiac came back at 5.55, which I am told is quite above the 3.0 threshold we like to see. The doctor who called me with results was rushed, and wants to do either a stress test or a more accurate test to determine why this number is high. I asked what COULD cause this number to be 5.55 but got little answer from her. I am concerned and need more detailed answers as to this test, what it looks for, and what could cause a 5.55 in a 35 year old male.