I m wondering what kind of a doctor I should go to next. About 8 months ago, I developed a redness around my eyes that can be itchy and can cause some swelling. It comes and goes. I ve changed lotions, soaps, makeup, laundry detergents, washing behaviors, etc. and I am not able to determine what is causing it. I went to a Dermatologist and got Desonide ointment . 05% about 6 months ago. . After using that sparingly, the skin around my eyes feels paper thin and very different than it used to. And, I m still getting the redness and swelling although not as badly as it was at first. I tried Claritin in case it was an allergy, but that doesn t seem to make any difference. Should I go to a Dermatologist again? An eye doctor? An allergist? Thank you!