Thanks for posting your question on this Health Care Magic forum.
I am Dr Alok Sinha, MD (psychiatry) from india. I will try to help you with best of my effort.
By scrutiny of your symptoms it appears that you are suffering from anxiety disorder. Anxiety Disorder is a kind of psychiatric illness in which the person experience various, psychic, somatic and autonomic symptoms. Let me explain this in common way as follows:-
1. The person experiences undue worries.
2. He loses confidence in self and is not sure of own capabilities.
3. He feels fear of something bad always and many a times he avoids certain things/events.
4. He remains insecure and repeatedly check things.
5. He experience certain bodily symptoms like palpitation,
chest discomfort, choking like feeling,
shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, tremors of hands and feet,
excessive sweating, dryness of mouth, churning sensation in abdomen and sometimes fear of impending doom as if some serious medical emergency is going to happen to him/her.
6. The person may have
restlessness at day time and insomnia at night because of constant anxiety, excitement and hyperarousal state.
In your case you are having many of these features and due to anxiety and dryness feeling in mouth you are drinking water again and again. Drinking too much water is not harmless as it causes dilution of blood and leads to a condition called
hyponatremia. Hyponatremia produces dizziness, fatigue and weakness. Further drinking much water causes
frequent urination which further causes disruption of sleep which further increases the symptoms of anxiety; thus creating a viscious cycle.
You should
consult a psychiatrist who may evaluate you well for your anxiety symptoms and may prescribe certain anxiolytics for some time to help you.
You may also try some non specific measures to reduce anxiety like having healthy balanced diet on time, regular exercise, yoga/meditation/relaxation exercise, relaxing music, warm water bath at evening, avoiding alcohol, nicotine, and excess cafeine and having some time for yourself with break from regular work.
I wish you all the best.