I can understand your problem and concern and thanks for asking your question. In
pregnancy, most women encounter this problem and sleep disturbance is more common during pregnancy. This occurs because of growing fetus pressing your
urethra and bowels, so frequency of urination will be increased and that may disturb your sleep.
You need not to worry about that, but you will have to take proper rest, even though its not continuous. Always sleep on left lateral position, which will decrease the chances of pressure.
About blood from nose, its also very common because of changes in coagulation profile in pregnancy and i would advise you to have Saline Nasal Drops and put 2 drops of that in your nostrils before going to sleep and before waking up from the bed. Initially it may irritate your nose, but its absolutely normal and safe, so you can go for it. You can also measure BT, CT, PT & INR,if bleeding continues to remain and its heavy bleeding.
So no need to worry about anything and take enough rest and precautions. Hope this will help you to solve your queries.