Hello! I've been having a lot of random weird things. First of all, I feel drowsy at work a lot. Even if I get 7 hours of sleep. Its so hard to stay awake! Secondly, I know I tend to run low on blood sugar often, as I tested myself a couple of times and it was at a fasting level after just 3 hours of no food. . Also, I feel like I'm under a cloud a lot of times. It's like I'm not motivated to do anytihng, and when there are a lot of people around I just kind of hole up and keep to myself and I have a hard time socializing (this comes and goes, it seems to cycle). And one more weird thing is that I feel like I have gas way more than the normal person....they say you are only supposed to have flatulence 12 times a day, but I've had days where its more like 12 times an hour! haha...kind of embarassing, but its true. I try to eat healthy, so maybe that is it. Do any of these symptoms relate to each other??