goodday, please advise us, my husband had 4 bypasses in 2009. medication: mornings: glucophage 850 mg, half disprin,half bisocor/bilocor 5mg, losartin 50mg evening:glucophage 500mg,simvastatin 20mg, hexarone 200mg and warfarin. in may 2011he had a slow heartbeat of +-50 and a sky high bloodpressure. the hospital doctors recommend prexum but after 2 weeks coughing starts at that time we did not know what causes it. he was then recommended to take losartin 50mg, and to leave the prexum. alost immediate the coughing stops. now we believe the bilocor is the trouble maker because the same symptons is back of slow heartbeat, 48 and a bloodpressure of 170. bad headaches aswell. we live in a very small town, no doctors and we dont know if we did the right thing to leave the bilocor out? its only for 2 days now and he is feeling a bit better. please help ina van vuuren griekwastad