Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1.although you are not sure whether alcohol consumption was there or not but with features of slurred speech, paralysis, all points towards a probable diagnosis of SIE [stroke in evolution], OR Stroke so
consult a neurologist for relevant examination and blood work with CT- scan to confirm or exclude the same diagnosis.
2. apart from medical examination one has to look out for any associated risk factor, like:
. blood pressure, blood sugar.
lipid profile,
3. The only way to tell as to what is happening, the best is to get a Neurologist opinion along with necessary investigation like C.T or M.R.I. scan, who may also check with
- carotid
echocardiogram [for any blood clots].
- EKG & Chest X-ray.
4. Only after exhaustive examination and investigation, treatment will be initiated by starting or adjusting medications that improve blood flow to the brain [antiplatelets/anticoagulants], along with lifestyle modifications like:
- maintain ideal body weight
- regular exercise, low salt intake
- eating fresh fruits & vegetables
- reducing undue physical/mental stress.
- routine blood investigations and keeping the level within normal limits.
- proper and adequate sleep.