I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
As per your complain small
white spots on the upper lips that does not cause any pain and are more prominent on upper lip seems to be Fordyce's Spots that are slightly raised sebaceous glands and are not a sign of any pathology..
They however do not need any treatment and they can be removed using lasers by a
Dermatologist only if they are cosmetically unpleasent.
If you have small pores also they can however get clogged due to debris accumulation and there can be some pus formation secondary to infection..
Doing scrubbing of the lips with a gentle scrub can help in keeping them clean and infection free..
For dry lips start applying thick coat of petroleum jelly or beeswax containing lip balm, drink plenty of water, do cool compresses over the lips and avoid sucking or licking the lips..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.