Noted your history of
sinusitis and related headache in past, expelled fat like phlegn from back of nose, suggestive of polyp.
The explanation about the phlegm like faty mass is usually a polyp unles proved otherwise.
This is usually a part of the antro-choanal polyp,
THis cna be confirmed by the following ways:
Consult your Doctor or ENT Surgeon, show them the piece and send it for histopathology examination.
CT scan of
sinuses will confirm any residualy masses in nose or sinuses.
Relevant tests of blood and urine.
endoscopy by an ENT Surgeon.
All these will give an appropriate diagnosis and allow for proper management:
Medical management with steroid, antihistamine can help resolve the small polyps.
If a course of oral and nasal
steroids do not help then surgery will be done to get a possible permanent cure.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, ENT & General Surgeon