I just had my first mammo today 2 1/2 years post breast reduction. I was very scared, because frankly I have neuropathy from my breast reduction surgery. My glands are sore and I get transient chest pain that I really cannot differentiate from what other issues it could be. I have had the nerve pain since the surgery, but of course it has diminished some but still makes surprise appearances. I do not do breast exams or let anyone else for that matter touch my breasts...to much pain memory from the surgery has eliminated that. Since I didn t take pain meds from the surgery it has left them that way. So I asked the Doc if I could get an ultra sound rather than a pinch. He said insurance companies are hard to convince, so I went for the pinch today but warned the technician I may not be able to tolerate it. I made it through but now my glands are tender...probably from mashing what ever was in my system into them. I am sore to the touch under my armpits, but I am also that way normally, just more so today after the mashing Anyway, that s my story..... Question, what can be done for neuropathy or pain in the breast, and what topicals do you suggest? I don t take opioids and only take IB. But they dont seem to touch the neuropathy. I also use topical analgesics, which ones would work the best for the nerve pain?