Thanks for contacting with your health concern.
1. As the attacks are frequent/recurrent thus the condition is chronic, so checkup with an
ENT specialist for necessary examination/investigation [quick visual examination and strep. test] for any other causes [infective/pathological]. is necessary or
second opinion can be taken.
2. Since attacks are frequent, thus you can opt for tonsillectomy/
adenoidectomy [as their removal will not do any harm to the body] in consultation with your attending physician, till then preventive aspect is provided
i. Steam Inhalations 3-4 times a day.
ii. Warm salt water gargles. [gargle with honey water]
iii. avoidance of allergens [dust/cold drinks]
iv. take a diet rich in
vitamin C (Citrus fruits) and
vitamin E which are rich in antioxidants and thus helps in improvement of Thymus function (associated with Immunity.)
v. Avoid Heavy, slimy and acidic food, curd, mustard oil, excess physical exertion, sunlight-dust areas, exposure to strong winds, day sleeping, smoking, potato, green leafy vegetables. Cold water/food
PS. A Recent large study showed, by laboratory tests and follow-up examinations, that people who have their tonsils and adenoids removed suffer no loss whatsoever in their future immunity to disease.