First off I flew on 21 Dec... got home and started feeling a little fatigue sore throat and had minut drainage about 3 days later. Went to doc, she prescribed Mucinex D, Nasonex. Week later didnt feel better actually got worse tonsils swelled and hard to swallow felt crummy. Went back to doc, he prescribed a Medrol dose pak and Zpak and Tylenol with Codeine. He said I had Pharangyitis. Took all prescribed meds. Tonsil swelling actually went down but became a mouth breather at night and when I wake up in the morning my face is puffy, eyes sore, ears feel clogged and nose is stuffed and super dry throat. Running a low temp every now and then no higher then 99.2, Its been 2 weeks and I still feel puny. Went back to another doc and they prescribed Levaquin for 10 days to see if it helps for what is now a sinus infection. What would be the next step if this does not fix the issue. Also I will mention that I am a 32 year old female who quit smoking 23 days ago and besides this consider my health very good to excellent range. I am worried about all this...I usually dont feel crummy so long and when I look on the internet all any sites immediatley say is cancer, so I have became a hypocondriac. Please advise...