Hello Dr. Rynne: I have had neck pain for forty years, from a car accident. I was also taking , for many years, Lipitor, and was later put on Gemfibrosil-Fenofibrate. I suffered much leg and arm pain, and I looked up, and found that Lipotor and Gemfibrosil was a very bad combination. I told my dorctor and he took me off of Gemfibrosil. I was in the midst of going to a chiropractor, and I took myself off of Lipitor for 30 days. (with Dr. permission. ) The leg and arm pain stopped almost immediately. The neck, not. I have now developed a shaking or jumping in my neck. I notice it , it seems, when I lay down. Two days ago, my right arm began to do the same thing. I am not sure what my next stop might be. YYYY@YYYY