I have previously mentioned this symptom to my urologist and my GP. The skin on the penis is splitting and has been a periodic problem for a number of years. After an erection I have multiple red (inflamed like) rings around the penis from the midpoint towards the tip. The split is generally like a paper cut that reacts to the salt on the skin when touched (burning). The urologist suggested yeast infection, acquired from my spouse, and gave me an anti-fungal agent. The GP, to whom I showed a photo, said the problem is related to the thinning of skin due to aging and there is nothing to be done. In the past two weeks the rings have appeared and remained (a first) and in spite of treatment with the anti-fungal agent the split in the skin along one of those rings has appeared. I am intending to pursue the matter with the urologist when I see him in 3 months, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts.