Hi, I had light pink brownish spotting exactly 3 weeks after my last period which lasted 2 days. Then I had heavy period/bleeding 3 days later which lasted 3 days but was only heavy the first day. I ve been feeling very bizarre symptoms the past 2 weeks like falling asleep during the day, waking up during night, vivid dreams, acne, gassiness, sore gums, sneezing a lot, runny nose, hunger pangs and the past week i ve been feeling lots of cramping in the lower pelvic area that feels like twinges/stabbing pain. Also my boobs have been experiencing tingling/stabbing twinges too and i feel very fatigued. Last night the breast soreness woke me up and then i felt the pelvic pain. I read that many have had period like bleeding and have had successful pregnancies. I took a test this morning which is 18 days past ovulation and it came back negative. What is going on with me?!!