Hello and welcome to HCM,
Bleeding after intercourse can occur due to lesions of vagina, cervix and endometrium.
Spotting to heavy bleeding in between periods is suggestive of some hormonal imbalance.
Cervicitis or inflammation of cervix is responsible for the clear mucis discharge.
Cervicitis can also lead to bleeding after intercourse.
However, more serious condition like
dysplasia or cancer of the cervix needs to be ruled out.
Currently there is only inflammation of the cervix so nothing to worry.
However, a regular follow up with
Pap smear is required at regular intervals atleast once a year.
Cervicitis may be the cause of bleeding in between cycles however, other causes have also to be ruled out.
endometrial biopsy should also be added to D&C procedure.
Examination of endometrial biopsy will determine whether there is any hormonal imbalance or not.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja Puri