Thanks for contacting HCM with your health concern
1. Bowel changes are common for menopausal women due to decline in
estrogen level which may include symptoms like
vaginal dryness,hot flashes, thinning hair but bowel changes are frequent complaint for many women going through menopause:
Constipation and
gas problem are frequent complaints experienced by majority of women [due to decrease in hormone level] but sticky stool could mean either consuming too much fat in diet [avoid oil-butter-fried items] so have an appointment with gynecologist for better understanding and physical examination, till then incorporate the following:
2. take fibre rich diet, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, maintain proper hydration,exercise regularly
. avoid stressful activities
. avoid overuse of drugs/laxatives
PS. since stool are not black thus any erosive pathology of gastrointestinal tract can be ruled out, however
stool test for occult blood can be done