Hi. For 10 months I have been experiencing episodes of unconsciousness when I stand up from a lying down or sitting position almost on a daily basis that last anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. I am a 44 year old female with a history of hypertension with a high pulse rate, and Lupus. I have consulted a neurologist and a cardiologist and have been run through a gambit of tests. EEG, EKG, MRI, CT Scan, Tilt table Test (today), Heart Cath, several heart monitors. During an average episode I am loose muscle tone, as in fainting, my eyes are open and unblinking, I am limp (no shaking like a grand mal) but my mouth is open and rigid and I am unresponsive. When I come around I am sometimes confused, slow in responding at first and always very tired for the remainder of the day. As months passed my husband and I learned that during some episodes I could hear him talking (like from a great distance) and he says that at those times I am looking at him but am unresponsive and always slack bodied, sometimes blinking, mouth rigid. During my table test today the Doctor said when I passed out my blood pressure was normal but my pulse had elevated. Therefore, he felt that I didn t have a cardiac issue but a neurological issue. My neurologist feels I have a form of syncopy. My cardiologist is confused... My husband and I are on a search.. Last Monday I was put on a Beta blocker, Lopressor because my blood pressure getting to high and my pulse over 100 consistently. After being put on the blocker I stopped having my episodes completely. I was asked to stop taking it yesterday by my cardiologists nurse for the tilt table test today and within 11 hours of my morning dose I had another episode last night. Then again this morning BEFORE the test, then during the test. I m exhausted physically and emotionally!! One other things is that I am taking Tegretal 400mg daily for Bipolar disorder. Which I also am aware is also used for siezure disorders. My Neurologist and Psychiatrist both agreed it might be of benefit either way. WHAT is wrong with me?? How do I fix it?? What kind of Specialist do I need??