The following might be few conditions that fit your symptoms:
Acute cholecystitis meaning acute inflammation of gall bladder
2) Chronic cholecystitis
3) Gall stones
4) Muscle strain
5) Shoulder joint pathology
6) Any nerve compression
The following are my recommendations:
1) You need to undergo few tests like
ultrasound abdomen and if required MRCP
2) If the tests suggest any gall bladder pathology, it is to be treated accordingly.
3) For acute disease of gall bladder, you may have to get admitted to hospital for intravenous antibiotics and pain medication.
4) Surgeon will decide if any surgery is required.
5) If there is no gall bladder pathology, clinical examination will be done along with X-ray shoulder joint if necessary.
6) For pain relief, you can take NSAIDs like
ibuprofen or
7) If you are suffering from acute gastric ulcer, NSAIDs are not to be used. Then opioids like
oxycodone and Tramadol can be used for pain relief.
So, please visit your nearest surgeon for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Pallavi M., Anesthesiologist