Thanks for your question on HCM
I do understand your concern
With such presentations in my clinic, I would first rule out infection by doing a [stool] examination and if PUS Cell is found I may add antibiotics and if no infection is found then
viral gastroenteritis will be suspected.Treatment for it will be supportive in nature. Drinking boiled water and take one probiotics like
lactobacillus twice a day and it is an OTC medication. You can do few things at home which may help you and your family member get infected.
1)If you have small kids get them vaccinated from rotavirus
2)Wash your hands before you take anything by mouth and if possible use instant hand wash to disinfect your hands when you go outside.
3)Do not share your eating plates and utensils with others.
4)Try to disinfect hard surfaces of your toilets.
5)Drink only boiled water
6)Try to avoid raw foods and under cooked foods like meat and fish
7)Add 1 teaspoon of [asafetida powder] to a glass of warm water and stir it well. Drink it three times daily for a few days until your condition improves.
Hope that helps