Hi,Dear,Thanks for your query to HCM.
Dear I read facts of your query and reviewed it in context to your health issues submitted.
I understood your health concerns and feel Concerned about them.
You seem to be suffering from following possibilities-when recent check up and tests have come normal.
Get CT abdomen to rule it out with Consults from GI Surgeon.
My Impression-
In My view-
Anxiety with
IBS with
GERD is your issue.
Add Tab Librex
Take Plenty of Fluids and high fiber.
Add Sporlac-1 cap
with Butter Milk x 2 times a day
Take non-spicy bland diet.
Add Tab Panto-d x 1 week
This would resolve your health issues.
Don't be obsessed with Cancer.
Discus with doctors in your locality on urgent basis on the above lines and take care as soon as possible.
For this to verify
Second opinion from another Surgeon,as suggested above,as soon as possible.
Just don't worry and be patient and co-operate with your doctors,till you verify with your attending doctors.
Hope this would help you to treat your health issues in the best way possible.
Welcome for any further query in this regard to following link-
Wishing Good Healthy Life!!
Dr.Savaskar M.N.
Senior Surgical Specialist