My 17 year old son was prescribed Erythromycin by a dermatologist for acne, she told him take 1 tablet 3 times a day. When she told him this, we specifically asked if it matters with food, or if milk intake matters because of the previous acne antibiotic he was on could not be taken within a certain time of drinking milk, she said 3 times daily with each meal was when it should be taken. We got the prescription and he started it yesterday, taking 3 times as she directed, then he took it morning and noon today. This afternoon he commented how his stomach really hurts and started to discussing this, I went back and looked at the pharmacy label and the directions are once daily. Now seeing this, we realize that he was overdosing it - according to the pharmacy paper, he should've taken 2 tablets in this time frame and has taken 5. Should we be concerned, or will he be okay if he gets in the right track with one daily?