I am a 62 yr. old female. a jogger, a pedal biker, very fit, a healthy eater and ideal weight.I have bad stomach for 8 wks. had ultra sound done three weeks after, , no stones yet I threw up loads of bile few days after the ultrasound also diarrhea on that day. good for one day,and next day stomache sick, headache, stinging pain in kidney area, cheast tight and stinging,headache, unusual yellow neonish pea, and difficult to eat still, continued for another two weeks and got to the point again, I vomited crazy and diarrehea again. good again for one day,and symptoms all came back. after visiting my regular Gp. I saw an interness and he gave me metonia. I asked for stool and water test and now waiting. so frustrated , weak, and have dropped a lot of weigh. making sure I keep my fluids high tho. whats your take on this.