Dear Ask The Doctor: Hello Dr. I have a stomach condition where I am frequently vomiting, I have tried narrowing food items down and the common denomenator seems to be garlic and milk products, and candy (or high sugar content; not always together)...but it doesnt always make me sick. I get really sick and it hits me after esting certain things within 30 min (uasually)... my body even breaks out into red blotches . I am instantly sick with diharea and vomiting! What is wrong with my stomach? I am aware that you will not know exactly and that I will need tests to futher identify the problem but if you could help by narrowing somethings down that would be great. I have a family history of dibetics, lactose intollerance, stomach ulcers, celiac diesease (so far bread hasnt botheresd me so i think that this is out of the question).