Thanks for posting your query on HCM
The 2 problems you present may be independent or associated.Causes of
stomach ulcer may include:use of non-steroidal antiinflammatory pain medications, infection by H pylori, excess smoking and alcohol, any serious illment, excess acid production from a gastrinoma(tumour).
Diarrhea could be caused by bacterial, viral or parasitic digestive infections,
lactose intolerance or food
Diarrhea may at time be associated with gastric pains but in some cases, they may exist as 2 separate problems.However, the treatment principle remain the same whether gastric ulcer is caused by diarrhea or the 2 exist separately. I will suggest you see a Doctor for examination and work-ups like a stool exam/culture to identify the cause of diarrhea and H pylori test.If the gastric pains are intense and maybe associated with dark stool, a fibroscopy or an
endoscopy may be indicated.In the meantime, while preparing to meet the Doctor, you may take an anti-secretory like
omeprazole,an antacid like maalox, oral rehydration salt and zinc tablets.You may add an anti-diarrhea like imodium if diarrhea too frequent.Take enough fluids as well.The rest of the management will be completed by your Doctor after investigations.
Hope my answer will help you
Best regards