My sister as te following complains (has ANA results systemic sclerois...seeing doctors monitoring er but no clear diagnosis. She states: My main concerns are that in the last 1.5 years, I’ve felt a change in the texture of my tissue, started in the legs, worked up into my chest, throat/neck and face. My lips feel rubbery, not to the touch, but my internal feelings. The tissue feels doughy, jelly, thickened, and clumps or nodule like feeling clumps in various parts of my whole body. Some of the nodules are little harder in my legs and abdomen. But definitely the tissue is toughening in bigger portions in my abdomen. Certain movements result in cramping or charley horses in various muscles in my back, angle, calf, under my chin, and all abdominal muscles. Everyone says oh that’s common. But I know my body and it happens very often on the slightest movement. People think I’m insane, but there is something major going on. I told last Rheum Dr, current Rheum dr, and my gyno. They don’t push or tug like I tell them in the area where this is. I need someone to listen to me and do exactly what I’m telling them on how to feel these. I can actually squeeze the clumps in my cheeks.