Hi! I have been very uncomfortable all day. Yesterday, I noticed when I sit up straight, it feels like I have a hard not on my left abdomen. It s positioned sort of beneath my left breast and sort of feels like it s under my rib cage. It reminds me of when I was pregnant and the baby would move and the head or limbs would shift to one side and stick out. It feels like there is a solid knot to the touch and it s very uncomfortable. It s not going away. It s not extremely painful, just VERY uncomfortable. I have no idea what it could be and it s starting to really worry me. There is no way that I m pregnant. I m 43 years old, I ve had a hysterectomy 12 years ago, and I work at a sit down job. Not too strenuous on the muscles. :) Any help or advice you could give me to one; alleviate this feeling, and two; ease my mind would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kristi James