Hi dear. I am your physician, having a vast years long experience in the field of General Surgery, Medicine, Ottorhinolaryngology and Nutrition and
weight loss management. I have carefully gone through your case and in my expert opinion you need not to worry much as its normal related to the age group you belong to. It can be LOW BLOOD PRESSURE that comes and goes sometimes during the day.
Orthostatic Hypotension is one example in which when you get up from sitting posture you feel dizzy and sleepy.
It can be due to
anxiety. Consult a psychiatrists if you feel symptoms of anxiety.
Sleep Apnoea is a disease in which patient takes
Sleep of 9 hours even but feels sleepy all the day. Why?
Snoring or other issues lead to frequent awakening at night. Quality sleep isnt there. So patient needs day time naps. A physician can rule out if you have
sleep apnoea syndrome. Ask him about it.
You are already active; thats nice. You need to take plenty of fluids to revitalize your body. Braij needs freshness all the times to stay awake.
Do some jogging or brisk walk early in the morning for 15min daily.
Hope to see you healthy soon. Stay blessed and happy. Hope I was of some expert help for you today. Have a nice time
Dr. Hanif