Sounds like your daughter is having a case of severe
gastroenteritis. Does she have a fever? You must watch her for signs of
dehydration. Like doughy feel to the skin, dry lips and tongue,
dry skin or reduced frequency of urination. If she is not dehydrated, let me suggest that you give her nothing by mouth until there has been a six to eight hour period with no
vomiting. Then offer her 1-2 tablespoonfuls of crushed ice chips. Repeat this in two hours if there has been no vomiting. In another two hours allow her to drink 2-3 ounces of room temperature kept
Pedialyte, apple, or pear juice. Every hour afterwards let your daughter have 2-4 ounces of these liquids or a Popsicle or Jell-O.
This protocol is 10-12 hours in duration. I hope that it will allow time for her stomach to settle down. I hope that she will be hungry then.
If so, you may allow her to have anything she wishes to eat (because her intestines need nutrition for repair). She can have the same beverages; however, if she wants cola or ginger ale, make sure these are flat. I would look for her to regain her energy and be sleeping less in a couple of days. With a
parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract, there is usually no vomiting.
Insect bites leave a bite mark on the skin.
Hope I have answered your query.
Let me know if I can assist you further.
Arnold Zedd, MD, FAAP