About a month ago I suddenly felt at the start of lunch somewhat lousy, nauseous and sweaty. I threw up, had diahrrea and was fine afterwards, but I didn t eat more until later. I began watchig myself, careful not to lay down after eating (which I had done the morning of that nausea spell. For a few days l thought I had a feeling in navel area, above and below? But slways faint and not lasting all that long. By the end of the second week, previous burping spells su bsided signsugnifica and I went to gastro dr to run all this by him as well as slight changes in bowel habits which dr said is normsl and fine. He actually didn t examine me, I spoke to a PA ND ONLE FOR LIKE 5 OR 10 mi utes. Bottom line, dr said set her up for an endoscopy. Caught him in the hallway and asked why...aswered to check if theres any inflamation , but achy discomfort had all ut didappeared. Do I need this test, especially since there is some risk involved? Thank you, I apologize for the length.