My son return home from his father s house n right away I noticed what appeared to be a dry speck of blood on his ear lobe, then I saw more directly on his ear when I looked in his canal it was completely black. .I got q tips n I couldn t even get to his hole in his ear at first, there was so much. .. finally I think I got the most of it. appears to be very dark maybe blood. ..but now I m seeing that ear wax apparently can be very dark... his father of course said he didn t notice it at all. .. my concern,I guess is that Fri on the way to drop by son off to his father, he had gotten a random nose bleed. Never had one before. Wasnt much but when I wiped it, a small clot came to. I m just trying to figure if these two are from maybe the same thing n what that might be. He will be 3 in sept