About 2 months ago, my little brother, who is 17, had his first tonic clinic seizure.. We woke up about 8 o clock and were talking a little bit and out of no where, he began convulsing and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. It seemed as if he was struggling to breathe and began to lose color in his face, nearly turning blue.. -It was literally the most terrifying thing that I had to go through..Having no experience or knowledge of seizures, I thought my little brother was going to die in my arms and there was nothing I could do about it.. His seizure lasted about a minute..his convulsions slowed until he stopped and I checked his pulse and thank our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, that his heart was still beating. He was a bit out of it, seemed very tired, still wasn t very responsive. But his eyes flickered and every time I yelled his name to stay with me, he tried to open his eyes but just seemed so tired. (Of course, I had the ambulance on the phone and they were on the way) They did an EEG on him and tried to trigger a seizure with a strobe light. It seems they saw some brain activity because he was diagnosed as an epileptic.. My little brother enjoyed video games..for hours at a time, drastic lack of sleep, and wasn t very well hydrated all the time. I researched that these can be cause to trigger a seizure, but the way the neurologist spoke, it seems that it wasn t very likely. I regret not being at the hospital when he and my parents received the EEG results because I would asked all of the necessary questions and actually took a look at his EEG results. I just need to know why. And I just need to make sure that this isn t gonna happen again. Can someone please give me some insight on first time seizures and the likelihood on whether or not it will happen again. I need to know that my little brother is safe from these incidents.