I am 63 years old. As per my previous years (april 2014) health check up, everything is normal. Yesterday during sudden awoke up from bed from sleeping, I realised that my head is whirling and I was unable to even sit and laid down for some second. After that I was normal and was trying to stand but again same feeling. After 5 minutes I was normal. Then after taking my breakfast, I went to my nearest hopital, doctor checked me, my BP was 135/87. Doctor prescribed me STEMETIL (1tab each time before food thrice daily) and PANTAPRAZOLE one daily before breakfast as I had some gas problem at that time. Normally I am taking LOTACE 50 H regularly during last seven years before breakfast for BP control and sometimes I take PANTOP D for gas problem. I have no sugar and no other problem. This is the fist time I have faced this problem. Sir please advice me what is my problem and where shall I go means near to Physician or to Cardilogist or to Neurologist ? The medicine given by doctor whether ok or to be changed ?