Hello, I have a lumpy rash on my groin area that looks like a cluster of mosquito bites on the right side of my groin near the edge of where my pelvis and testicles meet. They are swollen, like irritated bug bites, and no sign of ingrown hairs or anything else. The itchy rash travels up to my pubic region as well, but not as bumpy, and can sometimes turn scaly-like as if dry. It is lesser on the left side of my groin and itches mostly at night. The bumps never break, no puss or drainage, and itch on occasion unless when I scratch it itches more then subsides. I had this once before, and used alcohol, peroxide, bleach, wrapped ice packs, and other ways to relieve itching, which worked, and after awhile the rash goes away. This is the second time I have experienced this. The last occurrence was a month ago, which happened days after working outside in the heat. I figured it was some kind of jock itch, or something fungal, for this never happened before aside from a month ago when it first started.