This year I had a problem with both my feet. Got all kinds of tests, went to all kinds of specialist, and no seems to know what is wrong. My feet swells up and there are times where it is so swollen that I cannot walk. I was limping for 6 months, one foot would get better, then the other foot would start, this went on for six months. Then just about a month ago, the swelling stopped. I still have some pain but not as bad. I could actually wear heels. My current symptoms are sharp pains at the sides of my feet (comes and goes). My fingers have burning pains, my fingers and toes are numb and it is very painful when it gets cold. It turns purple and very painful. Bottom side part of my hips are sore as well. Not sure what is going on and I don t even know what kind of doctor to see anymore. BTW, I know I have renolds syndrome