About two or three ribs beneath my left breast, I have a swelling, approximately 2 1/2 top to bottom and 3 1/2 side to side, that is underneath the ribs themselves (that small area of my ribcage itself actually sticks out because of it). The swelling, though not nearly as pronounced and visible, has been there for quite a while (probably about six months or better). It has started to cause me noticeable discomfort/pain if I twist too far to the right or reach upwards quickly, and now I am just a little bit concerned. I am a 59 1/2 year old caucasian female. I had a very minor heart attack 9 years ago, and am under the care of a heart doctor, and have had a total of three heart catheters performed. While I do have blockage, it is not enough to require stents. I am a smoker (less than a pack a day), I do not drink alcohol, although I used to, and I do not use any kind of drugs other than what the doctor prescribes to me. I have had broken ribs on that side in 1994, but they healed, and I ve had no problems with them since. I had acute pancreatitis in 2008, resulting in hospitalization, but it has never occurred again. Any family medical history is unknown, as I was adopted as an infant. Thank you for any suggestions about this swelling. Lori T