Hello, Unfortunately I do not have email access at this time...I still hope you may help me. I am female, 46 (going on 47) years old this year and have been dealing with these symptoms for 15+ years. I have hot swollen joints, especially in my right knee, edema in my legs, run low grade fever, and have pain in my thumb joints to the point it is interfering with my way of living. (I have typed for 20+ years). I was diagnosed with Raynaud s Syndrome 20 yrs ago and have been living with multiple symptoms that cannot be diagnosed for years. I do not have carpal tunnel syndrome. I have had positive ANA tests x 3 and also (the latest test) showed below normal Methylmalonic Acid (?) results and high Homocysteine results. Please excuse my spelling. I do not know what this means, but my glands under my right jaw and armpits are always swollen and painful. I have history of butterfly rash 15 years ago. I also suffer from urticaria and have been prescribed Plaquenil by my allergist with no significant results. The giant (saucer sized) hives occur when least expected and I have been tested for every allergy on Earth! If you have any advice I would love to hear from you. If email is an ultimate, if there is any way you can help otherwise please let me know. I will leave my email although it will probably not get your answer. What happens to folks who access sites through libraries, etc. without an email address? No help? Many thanks for your consideration, Sheila