hello sir/mam,
I am 33 yr old lady.i usually get my legs swollen &
tight mostly in rt leg.when i walk too much like upto 1-2 km. it gets swollen & becomes painful because of edema but after getting rest it partially subsides. i went for Complte blood examination,biochemistry,liver ,Thyroid & lipid profile.
the test is showing following values :
Hb-12.6%,MCV- ,HCV-71.6,MCH-24.7,HCT-36.5,MPV-10.5,
T3-166.4,T4-12.3,TSH- 0 .11.
rest biochemistry values are normal. what disease it is showing & as I want to get pregnant so whether it will safe in this condition or it will affect my pregnancy & baby?