I've read your query and i understand your concern
The skin in this area is very sensitive, and reacts to a wide range of allergens including things you have not mentioned like coloured or scented toilet paper, fabric softener, and bath additives.
It is also possible to become allergic to things you have used for years.
Creams are available to treat allergies in this area, and I wonder if you have tried anything such as a simple 1 per cent
hydrocortisone, which you can buy quite cheaply over the counter.
clitoris can also enlarge due to
hormonal changes, although this is rare. There are conditions where excess male hormones are produced that can make the clitoris enlarge and feel uncomfortable.
If you had this rare condition you might notice other changes like excess hair growth,
acne, weight gain and lowering of the voice.
But since you've mentioned it to be on the right side, that means it is unilateral, i would advice you to get it physically examined by a gynecologist and ask her about the possibility of including
bartholin cyst in the differential diagnosis.
Take Care