Hello dear,
Understand your concern.
Following are the cause of yeast infection:
Sexual transmitted (oral, vaginal and anal sex), poor hygiene, immuno suppression
After infection symptoms occur with in 2-14 days.
For diagnosis you have to
consult doctor and do testing for STDs:
1. Gram stain and culture
2. PCR and nucleic acid amplification test:swab should be taken from urethra
Take following advice
1. Drugs:
Metronidazole 400 mg three times a day for 3 days
2. Avoid sex till you clear from infection
3. Use safer sex practice: Use condom, Dental dams
4. Maintain hygiene after sex and urination
5. If fever: Tablet
Paracetamol 500 mg BD
6. Tablet
cetrizine 5 mg BD orally
7. If not resolved, do screening test for all above disease.
8. You can apply mild warm pack
Hope this may help you
Wish you good health
Best regards
Dr. Sagar