My knees especially my left one has been swelling constantly over the past 3 months. I had approximately 50 CC s drained a month ago. The fluid was analyzed and found to be normal i.e. no gout etc. The MD injected a steroid and the swelling was reduced for a short time only to return. I have no pain in the knee, icing does not seem to help reduce the swelling. I had a full knee replacement on my right knee 11-17-2016 and while I have no pain there swelling has occurred in this knee as well though not to the extent of the left knee. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, am a 69 year old male, in reasonably good health, exercise frequently, eat very sensibly and obtain a thorough physical annually. I had a recent physical which included an X-Ray of my left knee and was advised I have early osteoarthritis, but again I have no pain, the swelling came on for no apparent reason and seems untouchable with ice or anti-inflammatories. I am scheduled to see my Rheumatologist in 10 days. The diagnosis of pseudo gout on this web site which appears to have some promise as it seems to be chemically caused and may not have been something tested for previously. Any thoughts would be appreciated