Hello Dear. There is a possibility that you have developed
otitis media or infection of middle ear.
Acute otitis media (AOM) is a painful type of
ear infection. It occurs when the area behind the
eardrum called the middle ear becomes inflamed and infected.
The eustachian tube is the tube that runs from the middle of the ear to the back of the throat. An AOM occurs when your eustachian tube becomes swollen or blocked and traps fluid in the middle ear. The trapped fluid can become infected.
The eustachian tube can become swollen or blocked for several reasons:
1. allergies
2. a cold
3. the flu
4. a sinus infection
5. infected or enlarged adenoids
6. cigarette smoke
First try
home remedies.
1. applying a warm, moist washcloth over the infected ear
2. using over-the-counter (OTC) ear drops for pain relief
3. taking OTC pain relievers such as
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and
acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Your doctor may also prescribe eardrops for pain relief and other pain relievers. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics if your symptoms don’t go away after a few days of home treatment.
Hope i have answered your question. Feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. I ll be glad to help you.
All the best
With warm regards
Dr Sanjay Kini