This is something that has started a few weeks ago.
My pinky (of my toe) has gotten very swollen, is itchy, and red. I get the urge to scratch and it just itches more, and in effect bothers more.
eventually after a day, the pinky of my right foot and the finger beside it were puffy, red and itchy, also the skin on the top of my foot eventually went red and puffy- not letting me bend those two affected toes.
I went to my doctor, and after careful checking he saw a cut in between the fingers, gave me a cream AND antibiotics. all was well, and after the 10 days of antibio's all was gone.
Now, it has started again. but this time, it has rapidly gone from the pinky to the other 2 fingers (this is the same foot, my right one)- puffy, itchy and red. but this time- after checking - no cut or opening.
what could this be? note that there is nothing on my left foot at all.
(i have scheduled a doctors appt immediately for tomorrow morning...., I am just curious to know what this could be from and why has it returned after the medicine.)