Good afternoon, I m traveling in East Africa. About four days ago, my labia was swollen and painful. A small pus filled circle appeared on the top by my clitoris. Two days ago, similar red sores with pus appeared on the inside of the top of my vagina. About a week ago, I partially shaved my pubic hair. I have been sexually active with my fiance. He doesnt present symptoms. There is some burning pain during sex and in my abdomen. There is a discharge which is milky but doesn t smell. I ve felt tired and lightheaded with cough and stuffy nose. I am being treated for hypothyroidism. No painful urination. I ve been under stress. Any ideas of what this could be? I ve been reading about chancroid and I don t know if the culture test is available where I am. Would a dose of antibiotics be harmful without a diagnosis. I tried a fungal cream and no improvement was seen after two days. I have a picture, if needed. Stranger in Africa