Could I be slightly allergic to bee stings? I was stung by a honey bee on the bottom of my left foot around 10am. I removed the stinger and my foot started swelling and tingling so I took 2 Ibuprofen and 2 Benadryl and took a long nap. After waking up I had a fever of 99.6 (my temp is usually around 97), severe stomach pain and cramps, back pain that radiated up from my lower back, nausea, headache, and shivering. I took 2 more Ibuprofen and Benadryl and the pain and fever improved. The next day I stayed at home with a fever all day and felt weak and nauseous. It is now 2 days after the sting and I still feel slightly nauseous but the fever is gone and the site of the sting has turned purple with white spots. There is a slightly red band about 1 inch wide that goes from the sting towards the top of my foot. It has been there since I was stung.